I am in this situation right now! I have not signed anything yet, because the wording of the agreement makes me ill. I am supposed to talk with a lawyer next week, but doubtful he will think about any of what I have just read from you. I have tried to talk to others and the same shut down happens since they let me go because of the feedback of other team members backing up his lies. I was thinking about turning it into the EEOC but I don’t have any money saved up, have debts to pay and a past that I have worked hard to rise from. This feels like they are pushing me back into the place I have worked so hard to be free from, and setting me up to take the rest of what I have.

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I am sorry April. If it helps at all, I am happy to chat about it. hugs

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I would appreciate a chat. 🥺

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Know that reading even the vague version of your story makes me feel more witnessed regarding my own workplace abuse situation. Thank you.

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and I should also say how sorry I am that you are experiencing abuse. it's awful I know.

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I'm out of the last abusive position I was in, and still in the healing and recovery stage. Unfortunately, it wasn't the first abusive work situation. I've been in a few. But this last one took me by surprise, despite having awareness of previous workplace abuse, of the narcissistic traits of co-workers, of trauma and my types of trauma response, and despite working on my own C-PTSD and supporting others with theirs. Awareness and education only go so far when you're dealing with life-long conditioning. I think this one hurt the most, too, because it was a situation in which (a) I helped found the company, (b) my false belief that my boss and my colleagues in management were my "friends" (hello, old friends "co-dependency" and "enmeshment") and (c) it occurred in the midst of other major personal life challenges that were requiring a lot a lot a lot of my energy (and involving my children who needed me to be sane, well, and financially stable), so I was and have been quieter, perhaps, than I may have been otherwise.

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I am so sorry. A lot of that sounds very familiar, including the narcissism and being a founder. Also the disappointment in people I thought were on my side. That's the worse part for me. The betrayal trauma is deep.

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thanks Jen, I am glad to hear that. I am considering writing more about it, and need the encouragement!

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