Breaking News: Miyoko's Creamery Lawsuit Dropped
Company announces resolution of dispute with its iconic founder
Today, Miyoko Schinner and the company she founded, Miyoko's Creamery, released the following joint statement via social media:
Miyoko's Creamery and Miyoko Schinner are pleased that they have resolved all legal disputes between them and that they have withdrawn all legal claims made against each other. Miyoko’s Creamery acknowledges the tremendous creativity, hard work, and integrity of its founder, Miyoko Schinner, a true pioneer in vegan creamery products, and appreciates her many contributions to the company over the years. Miyoko Schinner appreciates the dedicated team of people at Miyoko’s Creamery and their commitment to continuing her legacy through sustained and continued excellence in manufacturing, developing and selling vegan creamery products. Miyoko and the company wish each other well as they go their separate ways.
As is often the case with joint statements, there is a lot of polite corporate speak here. The line that doesn’t sit well well with me is referencing Miyoko’s “many contributions to the company”, when she started and successfully grew the company with her own blood, sweat, and tears. But it’s good to have this nightmare over.
I will have more to say about how this case is a cautionary tale for women founders. You read about some of the back story here. (I am no longer on the board.)
It is still horrible what was done to Miyoko and why did it have to come to this?
Oh yes, patriarchy is ruling that company!
This makes me sick. I hope she's OK. I was bought out by a former employer once. I really never recovered. and it wasn't even my company. I was just an employee, a tiny cog get a huge machine. 🙏🏽💔😢